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Posted by Maruf Kalyan CPTU on 18 December 2013 01:51 PM

steps goes here.........

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Comments (12)
Mostafa Kamal
25 December 2016 08:07 PM
Dear user,
Thanks for your mail.
At first you go the home page of e-GP portal( https://www.eprocure.gov.bd/Index.jsp ) and check the help menu. Here you find all information about registration document and process.

Or follow the link https://www.eprocure.gov.bd/help/manuals/eGP_NewUserRegManual_Bangla.pdf .

Note: Please always provide your contact information on email footer.

Best Regards
Manas Halder
e-GP Helpdesk, CPTU, IMED
Ministry of Planning
09609112233,01762625528 ,01762625529

Dear user,
Thanks for your mail. At first you go the home page of e-GP portal( https://www.eprocure.gov.bd/Index.jsp ) and check the help menu. Here you find all information about registration document and process.

Or follow the link https://www.eprocure.gov.bd/help/manuals/eGP_NewUserRegManual_Bangla.pdf .

e-GP Helpdesk, CPTU, IMED
Ministry of Planning
09609112233,01762625528 ,01762625529
Md. Asif Hyder Rubel
19 February 2018 11:21 AM
Please explain me in detail about how to get security money PO realease from Institute after cancelation.
Mostafa Kamal
19 February 2018 12:41 PM
Dear Concern
Please contact with concern Procuring Entity Office.

Best Regards,
Mostafa Kamal
e-GP Helpdesk, CPTU
+8809609112233, +8801762625528, +8801762625529, +8801762625530, +8801762625531
Md.Masud Rana
27 May 2018 09:37 AM
Fast Faqs
Md.Masud Rana
27 May 2018 09:40 AM
Need registetion
Md.Masud Rana
27 May 2018 09:44 AM
Please help registetion proces
Md.Masud Rana
27 May 2018 09:50 AM
Tiket details display please help me registetion process.
27 May 2018 10:08 AM
Dear Concern,
Thanks for your mail.
At first you go the home page of e-GP portal( https://www.eprocure.gov.bd/Index.jsp ) and check the help menu. Here you find all information about registration document and process.

Or follow the link https://www.eprocure.gov.bd/help/manuals/eGP_NewUserRegManual_Bangla.pdf .

Thank you for being with us and don’t hesitate to contact for further query.

Best Regards

e-GP Helpdesk, CPTU, IMED
Ministry of Planning
09609112233,01762625528 ,01762625529, 01762625530,01762625531
Md. harun ur rashid khan
07 April 2024 04:33 AM
Dear Service provider,
I am use egp tendering system a long time by WI FI internet connection. But now sudden there is no response by Wi Fi internet connection____ how can I start my Egp open tendering system ? I am not sure what is the my problem but I am not able to open Egp tender by www.eprocure.gov.bd. Please inform me the real solutions. Thank you.
Ismail Hossan
07 April 2024 05:56 AM
Dear Sir,

Thank you for your mail. Please try to browse e-GP with this IP If the problem still persists, discuss the issue with your Internet Service Provider..

Best Regards,
Engr. Ismail Hossan
Sr. Application Support Engineer
BPPA, IMED, Ministry of Planning
Helpline: 16575, 01762625528-31
Email: helpdesk@eprocure.gov.bd
Md. Abul Hossain Jibon
24 September 2024 04:53 PM
my contact number has not been showing in for bkash Payment
Shayokh Mohammad Mission
24 September 2024 07:38 PM
Dear Sir,

Please update your phone number on NBR website from where you have got your TIN Certificate to proceed further with the required payment gateway. Thanks in advance for your nice co-operation.
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